During the time of Einstein, the universe was thought to be static(meaning neither expanding or contracting). But on 1929, Edwin Hubble presented an evidence indicating that the universe is only expanding. He observe that the galaxies were receding from our galaxies. Some may question, "How did he observe that galaxies were getting farther away?". Well to illustrate, when you observe a car on the highway, as it moves away from you it literally becomes smaller and smaller. That is how Hubble observe it because the galaxies and stars that he saw on the past were much smaller from the present.
special kind of supernova, they found that the expansion of the universe is actually accelerating!They did this because they also wanted to know what form of energy was causing the expansion. Since it seems to be working in opposition of the gravity they came to this conclusion to name this energy as dark energy. This
dark energy makes up at least 75 percent of the universe! Dark energy isn't the only oddity discovered in the recent times. In the 1980's, Astronomer's confirmed that there is also another kind of matter called the dark matter/ anti-matter which makes up 22 percent of the universe. This dark matter does not absorb, emit, or reflect detectable amounts of radiation. Normal matter accounts only about 4 percent of the universe. Until now, little is known about these two big unkowns(dark matter and dark energy). So scientifically speaking 95 percent of the universe remains a mystery!
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